Friday 17 April 2015

O is for Optimism

Agility keeps both dog and handler fit and healthy. As well as striving to achieve success in the form of ribbons and progress made, striving to keep/get fit and improve both of your fitness levels is also an achievable and motivational goal when you participate in agility. There are so many more aspects of agility, you see! So ensure that, when you set yourself and/or your dog a fitness related goal to work towards, you remain optimistic throughout. Sometimes, with just a tiny bit of negativity in the mind, you can become both physically and mentally exhausted and down. This can easily and quickly rip the enjoyment out of the sport and fitness in an instant.

So, when working towards fitness goals and keeping you both fit whilst using agility as your core area, you must remain positive in order to pull the best out of you and your dog, allow it to shine out, and achieve your hopes and goals. You will both achieve so much, staying healthy and fit.

Keep at it, work hard, have a good time in the process, and you will reach your fitness goals in no time, alongside your precious pooch, who will also achieve the same if you do this. Remain optimistic, and you can do anything through the amazing sport of dog agility.

We are joining our hosts To Dog With Love, SlimDoggy and My GBGV Life for the FitDog Friday Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. You are so right Earl, Optimism is a critical component for most everything you do - especially competing!

  2. The water bowl is half full
    Lily & Edward

  3. We are entering three weekends of trials and tests for tracking and nose work and are trying hard to work on the O for optimism.

    1. Oooh, have a brilliant time, and good luck!

  4. Best to always stay optimistic!

  5. I'm getting ready to enter Mr. N in various things and I'll have to remember the optimism part. Fingers crossed!

  6. Great word for the letter O. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Awesome way to use the letter O!! Everyone looks like they are having a great time!

  8. Hi Y'all!

    I'm always optimistic! Yep, even when my Human has "her nose to the grindstone" I'm optimistic that she'll stop and pat me or play with me!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. You are the optimism MASTER!!! Keep it up, pal!

  9. I am all for being optimistic. Perspective really matters, and life is more enjoyable with a glass that's half full :-)

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  11. Lot it! Optimism is lacking in so many failures :)

    Congratulations on completing the challenge! I knew you could make it!! I'm still making my way around the linky list and still discovering many great blogs!

    --Mee (The Chinese Quest)
