Friday 10 April 2015

I is for Incredible

When you put all the hard work, time and utter dedication into achieving in dog agility, it all pays off in the end and you achieve good results at competition level. When you reach grades such as Earl and I have done, you must slow down your thinking, continue to dream and hope big, but understand that now you have reached almost the very top, you can't always win win win.

But last weekend, at the Easter Dog Vegas Show, we managed some excellent results. On the Saturday, we got three 3rds and a 4th, and on Sunday, we got a couple more 3rds and a 2nd place. The 2nd place was in the Money Agility class, so we also won £5!!! Excellent, eh? Another excuse to find money to treat the dogs to something once again.

A wonderful Easter weekend spent with my lovely mum, amazing dogs and like minded friends. Plus more positive experiences in the ring! Ethel was also a brilliantly behaved girl, and I took the time in between runs to train with her at the ringside. She will soon be in that ring, and queuing by the side. The more practice we get in now, the better the future looks!

So never be afraid to hope big, have dreams, and set yourself up for success. With all that hard work and dedication to your sport, you and your dog can become an incredible part of the dog agility world, and be remembered by all as just that.

We are joining our hosts Rascal and Rocco, Jan's Funny Farm, Bionic Basil, Barking From the Bayou and Love is Being Owned by a Husky! for the Pet Parade Blog Hop. We send many thanks their way, and you can join in below.


  1. Those sure are incredible results - well done are an Inspiration ;)

    1. Thank you peeps. Hehehehehehe. Aw, thank you so much, that means a lot. :-)

  2. Wow! That sure is incredible! Great job, Earl!!

  3. Fantastic, you should be proud
    Lily & Edward

    1. Ah, thank you pals. We are all so so proud.

  4. What an incredible puppy!

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

    1. Hehe; thank you again so much!

      Thank you, you as well RE A to Z.

  5. You are absolutely incredible, Earl! Well done!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  6. You and Earl have achieved so much, you are incredible!
    Wags and Woofs from Imogen and Millie

  7. You guys are an awesome team! We hope to start reeling in some titles here in a couple weeks. Who knows, but it may happen.

    1. Once again, aw. Thank you so much. You will be great.

  8. Congrats on your agility awards! That is really impressive. You guys must work really hard together. Maybe there will be a first place in your future!
    -Purrs from your friends at

    1. Thank you Robin. We sure do. We have already gained many 1st places!!! ;-)

  9. Talented dog! Is competing at Crufts one of your ambitions?

  10. That is wonderful. You are quite talented.

  11. We would like to report your achievements on our BFTB NETWoof News sports on Monday! May We borrow a photo and brag about you?

  12. BRAVO! Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. Earl definitely is Incredible and Ethel is not far behind, I'm sure she'll be as much of an accomplished agility star as her big brother is! Congratulations on another great achievement!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thank you as well. She sure is coming along. She sure will; I can sense it! Thank you again.

  14. Yay, way to go, Earl! And you won some treat money :-)

  15. Definitely incredible!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
