Tuesday 21 April 2015

R is for Results

Now, you all know that my A-Z Challenge posts are based on the theme of dog agility. I have enjoyed doing many posts on how to both physically train and compete with your dog in the sport, and mentally cope with certain pressures which may arise whilst participating. And results are a common way to make competitors crumble, bite their nails into nothing, and lead them to feel rotten about themselves, their dogs, and their own abilities. Therefore I feel that it is just as important to push aside the results when competing, as it is to remember that they exist and push for your name on the top of that piece of paper, stuck to the board at the end of the day. Because that isn't everything, as much as it may feel like it at some times.

So concentrate on running, feel the wind in your face, and enjoy that smile on your dog's face as he leaps round the course, doing every obstacle you point at. Do the course, have a good, positive experience running alongside your best little pal, and let the results come to you if need be. Don't revolve around the possibility of results. Don't be scared if and when your name isn't leading on that all-important results sheet. And when it is on the top, cheer, punch the air with your fist, and celebrate. When it isn't... cheer, punch the air with your fist, and celebrate. Because you have gone out there, you both have had the confidence to break the start line and break the finish. And had a good experience doing just that together.


  1. So true! I completely agree with you!
    Wags and Woofs from Imogen and Millie

  2. Bailie and I proudly passed our last odor recognition tests Sunday night...party in the car for sure! Success is a wonderful thing, but learning to deal with failures is important as well. We felt bad for the ones who did not pass.

    1. Good job. Well done all. You are correct in all senses Emma.

  3. That is such an important lesson to remember when competing with your pet (or child). They feel your disappointment and it makes the poor results even worse for them. Sports were meant to be fun. ☺

  4. I like your attitude! Results are important but being in the moment and enjoying time w/ your furry bestie is what it's all about!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thank you. We are glad. You are correct.

  5. Wonderful attitude! Thanks!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
