Monday 13 April 2015

K is for Kind

In all aspects of dog ownership, plus agility, you must consistently be kind and show compassion towards your dog. Because without this, you do not have a chance of a brilliant, strong relationship and bond. You want to have a memorable and loving partnership, involving 100% trust in each other. And in the sport of dog agility, without trust, companionship and kindness, you do not have a chance of a very successful or enjoyable career in the sport.

While you are running an agility course, and training your dog up in agility, you must be 100% kind and fair at all times. Mistakes should be corrected in a light-hearted manner, and you should always jolly your dog along. Especially with my Earl, who is sensitive, and a small 'ah ah' from me when a mistake is made sends him down. So I always have to be 100% cheerful, anyway!

So be kind with your dog, and have a good time doing agility. Always use methods which are kind and fair, and never feel pressured into doing anything you don't feel comfortable doing. You know what is right and what is wrong, so follow this and you will have a brilliant relationship with your dog. Find a good trainer who will understand this, and guide you and your dog as a personal pair. Enjoy yourselves and use kind methods to bring out the best in you both.

We are joining our hosts Snoopy's Dogblog, Alfie's Blog and My Brown Newfies for the Monday Mischief Blog Hop. We send thanks their way, and you can join in below.

P.S. If you haven't already seen, Melissa and the boys at Barking From the Bayou have reported about Earl's success at the recent agility show on their BFTB Channel 7 NetWoof News Sports today, which we love! Thank you to our pals for the PAWsome feature! You can check out the post HERE!


  1. Perfect word. You must always be kind and show compassion towards your dog, that way your dog will also be kind to others.

  2. Kindness always wins:))

    And congrats on your second blogiversary!

    Thanks for stopping by in my blog, too.

    1. Sure does. Thank you, we are so happy to have reached 2 years of amazing blogging experiences! And no problem RE your blog visit.

  3. Be kind... guess I shouldn't pull on Cole to keep walking and stop sniffing. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. This doesn't sound like being UNKIND, so don't worry. Sometimes you need to be firm as a part of training. It's just in things like agility especially, when your dog could under perform if put off by you. Being firm is different to being unkind. :-)

  4. Very wise words ~ the bond between us and our dogs is made strong by mutual respect & kindness.
