Tuesday 17 December 2013

Advent Day 16 & 17!!! & Poll update & Xmas dress up

Hi y'all, we are so sorry that we missed yesterday's Advent photo, we were busy ALL DAY!! 

So for yesterday…



Now, our Poll 10 closed last night (our busy day :/) so is ready for an update and start to Poll 11! We are definitely getting through them!

Our Poll 10 question posed was: 'Which dog toy do you think is best?' 

The winning vote(s) is/are: 'Chew' and 'Stuffing-free'.

The rest of the votes available were:

Ball - 1 (25%)
Rope - 0 (0%)
Interactive - 1 (25%)
Chew - 2 (50 %)
Flying Disc - 0 (0%)
Stuffing-free - 2 (50%)
Squeaky plush - 1 (25%)
Tug - 1 (25%)
Other - 1 (25%)

Also, I am now going to ask the person who voted 'other' to reveal themselves via comments to this post, and say what they would choose as their best dog toy. So come forward!

About Chew toys

Chew toys are usually hard and solid toys that dogs do not fetch, run around with, or tug, but sit nicely and chew. Most are made with a flavour, such as chicken, lamb, marrow etc. 

About Stuffing-free toys

These types of toys, are, obviously, toys which do not include stuffing. The outer material is usually tough. The benefits of this toy are that dogs who have a tendency to devour toys and rip then swallow (or make the house a wreck with…) can do not this with this type of toy! Most are tug proof, and withstand different chewing types. 

What should you do? (to choose your perfect toy)

When buying any toy for your dog, make sure your dogs chewing temperament is met with that toy. Don't risk your dog choking or making you cross with a mess! There is no need when there are suitable toys out there for every dog.

Our Poll 11 will be opening NOW!! It will have 2 weeks as usual for people to be able to vote, then information will be given when it closes…… You know the drill!

The polls are beneficial and fun for canine enthusiastic readers.

Share what you think should be in place in the dog world!

Our Poll 11 is on the subject of veterinary performance.

The question posed is: 'What attitude does your veterinary practice give off when you visit?'

Let's get voting! :-)


Also, we went to our dog club's Christmas celebration party and I went as Mary, Earl as baby Jesus! We came 3rd in the fancy dress competition for it.

Earl and I.


  1. wow! You got to go as baby Jesus huh? What an honor!!!! I love your polls! Dont feel bad for missing an advent day, no worries, it is a very busy time of year! ((hugz) from your Husky Pals! over at "love is being owned by a husky"

  2. Hey Jenna! It was an honour, trust us.
