Sunday 8 December 2013

MORE success! & Advent Day 8

Well, it was another Agility Nuts day today, and we did super well! Coming home with one 3rd, one 4th and a clear round is great! We got a medal for the 3rd as well as a rosette!

Earl sporting the new additions to our ever-growing collection!
It was such an exciting, fulfilling day!

We also tested out the Soft Crate… it was a great buy! I also bought Earl another of his Christmas presents today… shhh, don't tell…. not until Christmas Day!!

And… whoa! The 8th day of advent already!


Earl and I.


  1. Look at all those ribbons!!!! Congrats! And what a cute hat you got there!!!! Love it!

  2. Thanks and thanks again Jenna! :D
