Monday 30 December 2013

I Resolve… & Monday Mischief & Poll 11 Update

Today seems to a great day to join up and participate with the Move Your Mutt-a-Thon 2014 as its definitely nearing the New Year! This is a blog hop hosted by SlimDoggy and Keep the Tail Wagging - all you have to do is post a photo of your dog and share a list of resolutions for you and your dog in the new year. Its a great way to make sure we stick to our resolutions! 

Earl and I.

1. To walk longer distances 
2. To have more off-lead walks
3. To enter EVERY Agility Show and not miss the closing date for entries!
4. To do more serious research into a second dog
5. To go running with Earl

WE WILL KEEP THESE RESOLUTIONS!!! And report next year at this time whether we have sone them or not!

Now for a bit of Monday Mischief!

You know Earl is greedy for food? Well this went a whole new level the other day with the following story…

I went outside to train Earl, an entire Schmacko treat in my hand ready to break up into pieces as training rewards.

I asked Earl to do some tricks for a bit of the treat.

I broke some of the treat off and was about to give it to Earl as a reward.

I then quickly tossed the large rest of the treat behind me as my hands were full. I now only had the small piece in my hand, and it approached Earl's mouth.

I gave Earl the treat as a positive reward for performing the required behaviour. This is a normal training session for us.

I then turned and walked towards the house again after giving Earl my upmost praise (like always) to put my camera away. But before I could carry this out fully I heard a crunching and a belching. I swiftly turned to see what was occurring - and Earl had gulped that massive treat I had left behind right up! I took a deep sigh of despair and turned back around, head in hands. A few second later when I turned back, Earl had thrown it all back up again, in a not-so-pleasant pile of sick. The treat was about whole and not hardly chewed (worrying…). Earl turned to face me, hunched over, guilt all over his face, and pain in his stomach.

I cleared the sick up right away and went to hug and comfort Earl. Not long after, he lurched from my arms and sprinted towards his toy box. A game was about to begin like nothing had ever happened. We used a toy to train then that day.

See? I'm sane! I didn't show a photo of the sick - neither did I even think about taking one at the time!!

We don't usually participate in many Monday Mischiefs - Earl is normally so NOT mischievous!

Monday Mischief is hosted by Snoopy's DogblogAlfie's BlogLuna Dogs Life, and My Brown Newfies and Me.

Oh, and guess what?

We have another Poll Update for Poll number 11!

The winning vote is: 'Relaxed - 4 (80%)'

The rest of the votes were:

Relaxed - 4 (80%)
OTT - 0 (0%)
Mutual - 0 (0%)
Happy - 2 (40%)
Grumpy - 0 (0%)
Carefree - 0 (0%)
Rushed - 0 (0%)
Efficient - 1 (20%)

Red = Winner
Blue = Other options with votes
Black = No votes 

The order of the places options got are as follows

1. Relaxed
2. Happy
3. Efficient
4. OTT
4. Mutual 
4. Grumpy
4. Carefree
4. Rushed

And I apologise - I forgot an 'Other' option! If anyone would have voted 'Other', please commend on this post and tell us! It will benefit other readers to know.

Now for the info!

About the vets

Both you and your dog should feel confident and comfortable at the vets. It is the place where you and your dog couldn't live a full and happy life together without. The vet is your dog's lifeline - you must find the right one for you and your dog(s)! In my opinion, the best vets are Happy and Efficient ones. This is because if they are happy, they welcome me and my dog into the vet with a lovely, welcoming atmosphere, and if they are efficient, they get the job in which is needed done.

About attitudes and atmospheres

Have a think either to yourself, or to someone near you now, and tell and ask honestly what your vet is like and what you'd want them to be like if you could change them. See what they and you say and compare it to the results we gathered from the polls. All to their own opinion of course, as this is what the polls are about entirely, your own opinion, and we all love seeing them, but do you agree with them? Keeping a positive attitude is an important factor for vets - especially due to the fact that that helps keep worried owners thinking everything will be alright if there is something wrong with their beloved pet.

What should you do?

If you don't mind what your vet is like, then you have the easy job of picking out a vet in which you think can handle things to do with your pet's issues. And that is what vets are there to do! But if you'd like a vet that has the attitude you think you will feel better to be around, then it would benefit both you and your dog (and even the vet practice themselves!) for you to choose the correct one. 

Our Poll 12 will be opening NOW! Remember to share what you think should be in place in the dog world. At the end of the 2 weeks information will be given on the blog about the Poll just closed.

Poll 12 is on the subject of dog routines.

The question posed is: 'Do you think dogs and their owners should have a daily routine?'

Lets ge voting! Thanks.


Earl and I.


  1. Poor Earl. Sick is no fun. What a sneaky pooch, snagging the whole treat! Mine would do the same thing, given the chance.

    1. He's perfectly fine now, thank goodness. And I doubt that will teach him not to do it again BOL

  2. Earl knows when being sneaky it is important to be fast. This combination leaves little time for chewing stolen treats. Some lessons are learned the hard way but still, it was an unguarded treat!!

    1. Doubt it will be a lesson to him… juts an unfortunate experience teehee!

  3. Great resolutions guys! I have to write a post on that myself!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! And a very Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks! And how about you join Move Your Mutt-a-Thon?

  4. Oh dear Earl... it might have been wiser to hide the treat and then eat it a little at a time... I'm excellent at hiding bones in the yard, then waking my Mom up at 2 in the morning 3 weeks later crunching and crunching on the perfectly cured bone. Cooper the Cattledog at

    1. When foods around, there's no time for thinking wisely! Not when your a greedy dawg!

  5. Poor Earl. Glad he was OK and it just goes to show mischief can happen when you least expect it.
