Friday 30 May 2014

FitDog Friday & Paws Up - Just GO FOR IT!

Hi, there, ya'll! We're being fit again today! The topic we are going to be looking at is just doing it. Just let your dog have fun, get him to happily move his/her body, just run him, and he'll love it.

It will exercise his muscles, joints, and work his heart to a healthy level. However do not overdo it, and take good breaks.

Have a fit and healthy FitDog Friday, and beyond!

The FitDog Friday Blog Hop is hosted by SlimDoggyPeggy's Pet Place, and To Dog With Love - thanks again, guys!


  1. Happy Friday! We love to run around here. Almost every evening we have serious games of chase. Last night the neighbor dog joined in and ran up and down the fence with us for about ten minutes. Running is a blast and is great exercise! Happy racing around!

    1. You too! Running is great! Hehe! Sounds serious fun! It sure is, you too!

  2. IMO the best way to get fit os doing zoomies. Anywhere, the yard, a walk or a hike. Any place is good for zoomies.


  3. Seriously, look at that happy, happy face. Just shows that a romp in the yard is as good as anything! THanks for joining the Hop.

  4. He looks like he is really enjoying that game of fetch with the ball.

  5. I let Mr. N loose with three children and they chased each other around which is good because he runs circles around me.

  6. Now that looks like one happy pup! Awesome shots :)

  7. Earl sure looks like you are having fun in the garden. Have a fabulous fit Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. It looks like Earl was having a blast!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Awesome action pics! Looks like a special ball too!
    Diane and Rocco

    1. Thanks! Its a Chuckit! ball brought all the way from America to us in the UK!

  10. Those are some great photos. What a great game of fetch.

  11. Get that ball!!!! BOL!
    Happy Weekend!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Hi Y'all!

    Wonderful fun and photos. I love to play ball too. You're too cute Earl!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Thanks. Who doesn't?! AW thanks!!! :-*

  13. Blimee Earl my pal. Yoo shire is one fit dawg….when I was abowt I had a pawly heart so I dint do much runnin…however I did njoy it sumtimes….
