Saturday 10 May 2014

Joint best EVER Competition! (Sepia Sat)

Earl and I are both thrilled to be announcing that we, today, have experienced the joint best ever agility competition for us personally! Why? You'll see!

Today, we managed to grab up TWO 1st places, one for Agility, and one for a fun class, 'Power and Speed', the first 5 good seconds in the lead, the other 4, and our other 2 were also lovely clears, just shy of a place. Two clear 1st's and others clear is what we got at a previous KC show - our best success in our competitive history - and re-achieved that again today, at a different show! All 4 clear rounds! Cooler than cool to us!!

Good lad, little fella! 

As always (no difference here, but still…) Earl is getting 100% attention tonight - I even gave him a celebratory chicken nugget.

This is how our UPDATED board and medal/trophy display are shaping up:

But don't forget to check out all our other full-to-the-brim award displays, HERE on our official page for awards!

We're really upping the



So, for our Sepia Saturday contribution…

Earl is getting plenty of belly tickles tonight!

*High paw/five* Earl, we did it again!!

We're joining the Sepia Saturday Blog Hop hosted by Ruckus The Eskie - thanks again, pal!

We had such fun today - even if you don't have a competition level dog, or a dog at all but adore dogs left, right, centre, AND diagonal, visit a show or competition! Whether that be agility, or another sport/event to do with dogs - being there is so exciting and fulfilling to experience.


  1. That's brilliant! Well done to both of you!
    Wags and woofs from Imogen and Millie

  2. Yay!!!! Earl you are such a smart talented little pup!!!!
    Hope your enjoying your weekend!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  3. Great job. You should be very proud.

  4. HAHA earl, you received some sepia tickles! Thanks for sharing your amazing achievements with us!

    1. Hehe, he sure did!!! You're so welcome!
