Thursday 1 May 2014

Pinch Punch Post - May 2014

Its that time again! The 1st of the Month, which means today marks the start of our 6-day Pinch Punch Post Blog Hop, hosted by us at Earl's World! and My Dog Diaries.

In this blog hop, its all about what you have done the previous month and what you plan to do in the coming month with your pet(s). Remember - every blog who links up will get a free share and recommendation of their blog if its public! 

We have also had to make changes to the Pinch Punch Post badge, because sadly, My Cat Diaries has been deleted from BlogVille. 

Please save the new badge to display to display for every PPP you post!

So, what have Earl and I been getting up to during April?

I semi-taught Earl how to ride a skateboard...

Earl had his yearly hand strip...

I made Earl a frozen Cheesy Elvis stuffed Kong...

Earl enjoyed a dog safe egg at Easter...

Earl got a speedy clear at Dog Vegas...

Mum's Canine Selection Box was born...

We started a Heelwork To Music Class...

We went for a romp...

Earl went vibrant with a special Parade...

We came 2nd and 3rd at LAE...

We won a bunch of NOMMY treats...

Earl showed everyone how you SHOULD sit at a deckchair!

And what are we planning to do in March? 

~ Enjoy May Day bank holiday
~ Continue with our HTM and build a routine up plus add our chosen music
~ Attend an Agility Nuts show
~ Attend a 2-day Agility Championship
~ Enjoy a week's holiday

Please take take to link up to the PPP Blog Hop and you'll have bags of fun!

If your blog is:

A Blogger blog, use this code to display the linky list on your own PPP:

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 <a rel='nofollow' href=""><img style="border:0px"  src=""></a>

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Self-hosted wordpress (not

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 <a rel='nofollow' href=""><img style="border:0px"  src=""></a>

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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

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 <a rel='nofollow' href=""><img style="border:0px"  src=""></a>

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Typepad/tumblr/wumple blog/custom site:

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 <a rel='nofollow' href=""><img style="border:0px"  src=""></a>

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  1. Great to see you have had a smashing April and have fun in May!


  2. Wow! You two have been really busy! Hope you have a great May too!

  3. You are one busy pup!!!!
    Look forward to you next month of posts!!!
    Happy PPP!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  4. Wow you have been buzy..What'z in Mom'z selection box ??? BOL. Have a super weekend xxoxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Cheese, yoghurt drops, sausages, Pedigree Rodeo :-)
