Monday 19 May 2014

Monday Mischief - A Little Bit Crushed, & What have we won?!

Hi, y'all! Monday is back, and I've got that crushing feeling once again, as most do on Monday. Back to early awakenings, work to do all day long, and brain-ache when I return. Not good. But what helps me push this blue day away? That's right! Some laughs from the star of this blog himself! 

Recently, we won a hamper of treats toys and general dog goodies, and included in this were two 'face emotion' rubber squeaky balls. Well, you know what Earl's like with not-so-indestructable toys! 

Actually, he impressed me that he didn't rip them, but he did…

… Make them a little bit crushed!

How they USED to be…

Not so crushed here! In fact, completely ball-like!

What Mischief!

Does YOUR dog have a thing about deforming/destroying toys?

And while talking about toys, I thought today would be the perfect day to share what came in the post for a winning canine and his owner - US - today!!

Including now one of Earl's favourite toys…

A rosette for our board…

And a book 'Lost And Found', from Battersea Dogs And Cats Home, with a foreword from Paul O'Grady too, for me to read!

See you tomorrow, because we have a great, popular product review to share with you!

We're participating in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop, hosted by Snoopy's DogblogAlfie's Blog, and My Brown Newfies - thanks guys! 


  1. What mischief abounds! It was certainly a mischief filled weekend. Which is always pawsome!

  2. Yep! My huskies love to rip their toys a part!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  3. Dakota used to destroy all of his toys when he was younger, now it is extremely rare for him to do so. Congrats on your win!

  4. Congrats on your win, we love Paul o Gradym bet that's going to be a great read xx

  5. WooHoo! We have a winner! Congratulations for your goodies. Pierre kills and deflates most of our toys. We haven't tried the Kong Wubba!

    1. Yaya! Thanks. Hehe! You should try it for sure!

  6. Congratulations on your win. We are expert at deading and destuffing here. Our fav is empty plastic water bottles. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thanks. Oh hehe! You can get crackle balls for dogs, made from water bottle material with a safe outer rubbery shell.

  7. Nadie isn't a big toy fan and Prince seems to destroy everything in mere seconds so we don't have many unless they are super chew resistant. Looks like Earl really enjoyed these and flat is not a bad thing.
    Congrats on winning. Earl got some pretty neat stuff! Can't wait to hear how you like the book!

    1. Wow, quite a difference in canine characters with toys there, I read you have!! He really did, and no, it isn't! He still plays with them a lot, and loves them. PAWfect for me!
      Thanks again! I can't wait to finish the book, there SHALL be a review afterwards!

  8. Well dun Earl my pal…yoo is obviouslee one braney terrier….
