Monday 26 May 2014

Monday Mischief - Agility, Behind the Scenes & Poll Update

Agility is a fast, furious, and fun sport to get involved in with your dog, and Earl and I are regulars, on a display team and competing. But what happens when we're not in the ring? What happens whilst we're waiting to run? Here is an insight…

We get up to fun and a little mischief! 

Because we are lucky enough to be part of a team of wonderful doggy people wanting only to have fun with their dogs at the same time as exercising, we can have a BOL with everyone as we wait for our turns. We are constantly in a chilled environment, having fun and socialising our dogs with others. 

This shows a chilled out pooch for you!

We treat our dogs, play with them because we've brought along their favourite toys, and even let our fellow team members have a snuggle with our own pets, and exchange cuddles with their own too. 

We treat our instructor with respect and no different to how we treat our other team members. Without our instructor, the team would not be alive, never mind able for participators like ourselves. We care for each other and our dogs.

Its not all about running like mad and getting the quickest time, even though that is nice, and when you're on a team, you learn that.

Its about having a good time and loving every second we're surrounded by dogs. And your fellows will like you more if you're a good sport, you know?

We care for our dogs more than anything else, and make sure all their needs are kept.

Behind the scenes is as much part of the fun - its the experience as a whole.

We also have poll 22 to update you on, and 23 to roll inwards!

The subject of poll 22 was on dog commands.

The question posed was: ' What Commands do you teach your Dog(s)?'

The results came in fast…

Practical commands - 3 (60%)
Party tricks - 2 (40%)
All - 3 (60%)
Other - 1 (20%)

Colour key:

Red - Winner - 1st place
Blue - Runner up - 2nd place
Yellow - 3rd

Now for the info.

What are commands and what are they for?

Commands are a huge part of our dog's successful life/lives. For example, we can tell them to 'down' or 'drop' if they go running to a road. Or a 'high five/paw' if we need to entertain guests or show a person afraid of dogs how fun and friendly they are! And a 'hide your face' trick just shows off their clever personality and characteristics. There are many commands you can teach your dog - but what commands should we teach and use ourselves?

Its up to you! The decision

Truth be told, it is really up to you what commands you teach your dog. It may be a completely personal thing - if you have an agility dog, gun dog, etc, there are different commands that go alongside this individual sport in order for some success. However for companions and/or family pets, the essentials like sit and down are needed, but party tricks are also a hugely effective and fun way to bond with your dog, and make your owner/dog relationship closer and all the more strong.

Not a massivet topic, as you can probably see! But still. No harm there.

What commands do you teach your dog(s), or do you at all?

To the 1 person who voted 'other', would you mind commenting what your other really is? For the sheer benefit of other readers. Thanks.

Poll 23 will be opening NOW!! It will have 2 weeks as usual until info is given on the relevant canine/pet topic. 

23 is on the subject of dog water.

The question posed is: 'What water feature does your dog have to drink from at home?'

What does your dog drink from at home?

You can choose multiple answers.

Enjoy, and lets get voting!

*Please keep in mind than before coming online, any series animal problems should be consulted by a veterinarian or a behaviourist. These are only my personal views, which are at a level of a suitable knowledgable degree. 


We're participating in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop hosted by Snoopy's DogblogAlfie's Blog, and My Brown Newfies - thanks again, guys!


  1. I bet you are an awesome agility dog. You little ones can be so speedy! Have fun!

  2. The best part of agility for me is being surrounded by like-minded people who love training and playing with their dogs. They just "get it" and don't roll their eyes like some folks that just don't understand......

  3. That looks like a really fun day out with all your pals! :)

    I know lots of commands, but most of them happened by accident as Mum's just always talking to me and I learnt what her nonsense means! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. It sure is!

      Oh! Hehe!

      Thanks, you too Snoopy, thanks for stopping by!

  4. Looks like you're a pawsome agility dog! I tried to sign Atka up for an agility class a few weeks ago. The instructor basically laughed in my face. Atka is a Great Pyrenees, which aren't known for advancing in agility, but he really enjoyed it in his puppy class and I thought it would be a fun activity for us to do. We'll be looking for a new place to give agility a try :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, if I do say so myself! That is a little bit disrespectful of that trainer.

  5. I keep thinking about trying some agility with my dogs - I think Rudy would love it.

  6. It sounds like you have great friends and fun group!

  7. We have never been to an agility event so it was really cool to see a behind the scenes view of it. Looks like you are working with a great team which is what it is all about! We teach the basics to all our dogs and are working on our walking now. Prince does a few tricks but Nadie doesn't do any.
    Now I am kinda curious what the other was, BOL! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend :)

    1. Glad you liked it! We are! Good luck with your own training! Enjoy your long weekend too!

  8. Great post!! I have been interested in agility for quite some time, but I have no time to train for it currently. SOme day though!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Thanks! Some day sounds good day!!

    2. P.S. Jenna there is a super Husky that does agility at our club, and her owner and her have come on in leaps and bounds, and at the christmas party for he club 2013, they were awarded the most improved pair! As I co-instruct their class, I get to work with them and see them 'grow' each week, and I'll tell you, they're super! :-)

  9. Looks like a fun thing to do and we bet you are a little pocket rocket Earl. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Haha everyone calls Earl pocket rocket :-D
      You too!

  10. All look like fun to me Early my pal….part from da akshull agilitee…dat bit be too much werk for an old terrier like me...
